WIS is back big time!

Well, here we are, on Thanksgiving. I haven’t used this blog page for a year or so. It’s no longer connected to a .com address. But, just in case anyone ever came here for Werewolves in Siberia news, I’ve got some.

This Friday the 13th, the next WIS album drops everywhere digitally. Terrifying Tales from the Mausoleum is going to knock your socks off.

On Black Friday, the album will be up for pre-order on the Bandcamp page for just $3 and you’ll get 2 songs right away. Black Friday also brings the classic Lycanthropian Hunger shirt back for a limited time and using the code ‘blackfriday’, you’ll get it 40% off (thru Cyber Monday).

Stay safe out there. Black Friday can be… a killer. 🔪🔪

Happy Friday the 13th from Crystal Lake

Inspired by the Friday the 13th franchise, Crystal Lake is the newest song from Werewolves in Siberia… and it’s “pay what you want” only on Bandcamp.https://werewolvesinsiberia.bandcamp.com/track/crystal-lake

Coming this Friday the 13th

Welcome to Crystal Lake. Head in for a swim, maybe take a hike in the woods. Just make sure to watch your step. You might run into an old inhabitant of these grounds. Some say he was a myth. Some say he was killed. Some say he still lurks around here… Stalking… waiting…

Welcome to The Fifth Dimension

“There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition; and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.”

Grab The Fifth Dimension for FREE right now. This song was written specifically for 5d-blog.com’s YouTube channel and podcasts.


Fangoria is back… minus the Musick

Fangoria Magazine has been purchased by a new publisher and is coming back from the grave this October. The new publisher, Cinestate, is hellbent on returning the iconic magazine into just that, a physical magazine you can hold in your hands and drool over time and time again. Horror fans around the globe are rejoicing at the news and I’m hopeful that the excitement stays past a few issues, as the art of magazines has been tossed aside for the quick fix of online news.

Unfortunately, the new publisher has also decided to do away with Fangoria Musick. I can’t say I’m surprised or even disappointed. Their main focus should be bringing Fangoria fans the perfect product before worrying about side ventures like Musick. That’s my point of view, anyway.

I’m grateful to the people who pushed Fangoria Musick from behind the scenes and gave me the opportunity to have my music associated with one of the biggest names in horror history. Not one, but two albums with the Werewolves in Siberia name were released through Fangoria and I’ll always be able to know I had that association. It was a low point for the magazine and Musick never seemed to gain any traction but it was still there.

Personally, I’m excited to have Fangoria back with fresh, new blood and a hunger to return to its place as horror royalty.


New EP out soon

It’s a new year and there hasn’t been a WIS update since releasing The Thing That Goes Bump in the Night last October. While I’ve been quiet, there are some things in the works. A few new songs have been done for The Monster Guys’ podcast (TheMonsterGuys.com) and the 5D Blog’s new YouTube show & podcast (5D-Blog.com). Those will be available for download at some point. However, right on the horizon is a brand new space exploration-themed EP, Exploration: Red Space.

I’ve been big on the idea of doing EPs as “name your own price” on Bandcamp as sort of a thank you to everyone who has supported WIS through the years. This will be no different. These six songs may have a slightly different feel than you’re used to from WIS as they’re definitely more sci-fi in nature than they are horror but I think you’ll all dig it.

There is no definite date scheduled for release. Basically, as soon as the album comes back mastered, it’ll get a few listens to make sure everything is right then it will be available. I’m hoping this will be early this coming week.

Two New EPs in Two Weeks!

As a follow-up to January’s DeathRace 2000-inspired “Transcontinental Road Race”, Werewolves in Siberia is back with two brand new EPs.

The first EP, entitled “Abyss”, takes you to the depths of the unknown with two new synth-driven tracks.  Escape the impending apocalypse of the outside world and get lost in the aquatic atmosphere of the Abyss.  It hits for free download Friday, April 14 on the official WIS Bandcamp page.

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One week later, April 21, the next EP drops.  “In Memoriam” will also be available for free download on the Bandcamp page.  With themes for the Monster Guys and Bazaar Cast podcasts, songs inspired by Fangoria and Famous Monsters of Filmland magazines and an 80s-style horror hip hop song inspired by the Ghost Brothers tv show, this EP is more of a tribute to some horror icons and up-and-comers in the horror/paranormal realm.  Don’t expect anything less than other WIS releases, though.  There’s plenty here to sink your teeth into.

In Memoriam Green 1400


Werewolves in Podcast Land

I’m on the Bazaar Cast podcast this week, dorking around with The Fear Merchant about music, horror and Werewolves in Siberia.  Find it anywhere you listen to podcasts like iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher or Podcas Addict, etc.